Chapter 88 hamburger, can you dance?

Cassie Ali is so famous that the fact that she wants to bring a male companion immediately caused a sensation at Washington University.

Even the whole Texas rich second generation circle is watching her good play.

Angelina Brady and Caden Brady got the news that even the concert was delayed and went to the Zamora family to attend the banquet.

Lucy Zamora's Moments message was accompanied by a picture of Cassie Ali bending down to tie her shoelaces. The pixel quality was very poor, but it was recognized by the two brothers and sisters.

Of course, it is desirable to do something that makes her make a fool of herself in public.

At this point, Cassie Ali received a text message.

"Tonight Angelina and Brady are going to the Zamora family dance, and I'm bringing your two brothers over tonight to support you."

The message was from Anthony Ball.