Chapter 91 she, she is Amiyah Acevedo.

Apparently, Sutton Ward's words were directed at her.

Cassie Ali just smiled and didn't speak.

But Easton Ford glanced at her and felt vaguely familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere, but he could not remember. I simply don't want to.

He just looked at Lucy Zamora, pointed to Sutton Ward and asked, "Is this your mother?"

Lucy Zamora introduced generously, "Master, I forgot to introduce you to my mother, Sutton Ward."

Easton Ford's eyes lit up. "To raise such an excellent daughter, Mrs.?". Ward is not simple.

Sutton Ward covered his mouth with joy and said, "As the saying goes, a dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and a mouse gives birth to sons who can make holes."

"Lucy is the phoenix and pride of the Zamora family. Naturally, she is excellent, unlike some people who are destined to make holes when they are born."