Chapter 8 Study hard

"It's getting late, pack up quickly, I'll ask Mr. Stout to take you to school."

Emily Rollins glanced at her watch, it was already a quarter past eight, and she had class at nine in the morning. She thanked Mrs. Scott for her understanding, and hurried to wash up.

When she came out of the shower, Paul Scott had already cleaned up, and Mrs. Scott gave her the packed breakfast. She thanked her and hurried to school by car.

Mr. Stout sent her directly to the teaching building. As soon as she got out of the car, she heard discussions around her.

"Anyway, I won't marry a useless person for money."

"Keep your voice down, don't let people hear you, they have a big backer!"

"I didn't name her name, but it's unlucky for anyone to marry such a woman, maybe she will be flirtatious with a man..."