Chapter 99 Office play

A few words were clearly written on the text message.

"Understood, isn't it the office play?"

Didn't she mean that?

Now, though, it doesn't matter if she means that, because Paul Scott already thinks she means it!

She wanted to cry but put away her phone, calmed down and went out the door.

First, I went to inspect the shops in Xicheng District.

The decoration of the shops is proceeding according to the plan, and the school in Xicheng District has also been established, and some people are moving facilities to the school.

In order to make it easier for Mr. Larson to inspect her shop, she agreed on a stylish private restaurant next to the shop.

The private restaurant in Xicheng District has an elegant and quiet environment, and the decoration has a sense of paradise.

It is a good place for New Yorkers to discuss business.