Chapter 31 Apologizing

Sozzi lifted his foot up!

Both Yunna and Rose looked at this scene in disbelief.

They were all very clear about the condition of Sozzi's legs. They had invited famous doctors and he had taken famous medicines, but his legs still didn't get better.

"That's great!" Yunna cried with joy, and her tears fell. Excited, Yunna thought of what Ian had said just now.

"Can you really make Sozzi stand up in half a month?" Yunna looked at Ian with hope in her eyes.

Ian shook her head. "Forget what I said just now."

"What do you mean?" Yunna couldn't understand for a moment.

Ian sighed and said, "Didn't you ask me to leave? Didn't you say that the Bally Family doesn't welcome me? In fact, I'm not that thick-skinned. Since you've driven me away, I have my dignity. So I plan to pack up and leave now. I will never step foot into the Bally Family."

Yunna was anxious when she heard what Ian said.