Chapter 80 Yuri Sam framed Ian Johnson, the truth is exposed, Jordy Bally loves Ian Johnson

Things happened too fast, Ian Johnson unexpectedly slowed down by half a beat, even if he avoided it, he couldn't completely avoid it.

At this critical moment, her vision was suddenly blocked. To be precise, she was covered by the man's broad body.

Ian Johnson looked up in a daze, just in time to see the man frowned slightly, and in just a moment, the man's expression returned to normal.

After a brief daze, Ian Johnson stood up abruptly, touched the man's back, and got wet.

"are you OK?"

"It's okay." Jordy Bally took off his suit and carried it on his arms. Although the overall image was a little messy, it didn't affect his noble air at all.

Jordy Bally looked at Karry Zris, his eyes were downcast with endless sharpness and coldness.

"It's really blind."

Hearing these four words, Ian Johnson raised his eyebrows subconsciously.