Chapter 82 The ex-fiancé was dumbfounded after seeing Ian Johnson wearing a wedding dress!

Qatar Lius was reluctant to mention Jordy Bally's name, but finally did.

"Jordy Bally."

"Huh?" Ian Johnson blinked.

"Jordy Bally? It's him! He got the whole Princess? Why would he do that?"

"I don't know. I'm too lazy to investigate his affairs." The reason why Qatar Lius had a headache when he mentioned Jordy Bally was because last time Jordy Bally was cheated on himself and took advantage of Ian Johnson in front of him.

Is it because of her? Ian Johnson pondered in his mind.

Two days ago, Karry Zris invited her to his and Yuri Sam's wedding, and said it would be held on Princess.

So Jordy Bally kept this in mind, and in order to vent her anger, he directly hired Princess?

No way?

Ian Johnson felt that she was thinking too much. Although Jordy Bally confessed to her, she felt that men were mostly on the spur of the moment. How could it be possible to spend money and buy the entire Princess just to vent her anger?