Chapter 84 Jordy Bally took wedding photos instead of Qatar Lius and Ian Johnson

Chris Lewis was taken aback by Jordy Bally's sudden reaction.

What's wrong with this?

Out of curiosity, Chris Lewis tilted his head and glanced at Jordy Bally's phone.

The look surprised Chris Lewis.

What's happening here? How did Ian Johnson wear a wedding dress and take a wedding photo with Qatar Lius? !

With a cold face, Jordy Bally edited and sent the message.


Rose Linken was overjoyed when he received the news, Jordy Bally is coming! Now let's see if you, Ian Johnson, can't finish it?

Jordy Bally rushed towards the bridal shop more and more, and Ian Johnson, who didn't know it, was still posing for pictures with Qatar Lius.

"Hiss—" Ian Johnson raised his hand and rubbed his right eyelid.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Qatar Lius noticed and asked.