Chapter 45 Call Me Sister-in-Law

Jordy was slightly stunned, and his expression was slightly dazed. He raised his head and looked towards the kitchen door.

Seeing Jordy 's reaction, Sozzi was shocked.

"It seems that Jordy has really fallen for Ian!" Sozzi thought.

"Jordy, Ian's not that simple!"

Jordy nodded. "I know. If she were too simple, I would not be interested in her."

Sozzi was speechless.

"However, it's very possible that she has some ulterior motive for you."

"Oh!" Jordy replied indifferently.

"Oh? It's over?" Sozzi thought, blinking his eyes and looking at Jordy in a daze.

"What if she's just for your money?" Sozzi asked again.

"In that case, I will give it to her. Can't I afford to support her?" Jordy replied.

Hearing that, Sozzi opened his mouth wide. He continued, "Then, what if she wants to kill you?"

"Who wants to kill your brother?" asked Ian, who was coming out of the kitchen with the dishes.