Chapter 9 Walk Into the Trap

Night fell, and a cold wind started to blow. Angela knew the night was bound to be unusual.

Angela went quietly to the backyard and climbed over the wall. Ever since Caballero coaxed Angela into having sex with him, Angela had been learning martial art skills.

As Angela's legs reached the ground, however, a bolt of lightning flashed above her head.


A low rumbling sound broke the silence. Angela was startled by the thunderbolt and almost fell to the ground. Angela's heart was thumping with fear.

It was exactly the scene in horror films.

A gust of wild wind rustled the leaves, messed up Angela's hair, and lifted her dress.

Angela crossed his arms and shivered with cold.

Angela saw the villa was brightly lit, but just as she got to her feet, she was caught by a heavy downpour. She tried to step forward, but within a few seconds, she got completely drenched.