Chapter 74 A Lot of Information

To reach Jaydin's house, they needed to pass the bridge. Franco, who was in the passenger seat, saw Angela from afar.

She was surrounded by a group of children, wearing a beige dress and a pink apron.

Her hair band adorned her pure little face. Her dark hair floated to her face as the breeze blew.

She was standing in front of the blackboard of the short house, carefully teaching the children how to draw.

"Stop the car," Franco said softly. He was a little shocked. It really was her.

"We haven't arrived yet," his companion, Tim Ray, said as he turned to look at him.

"I told you to stop the car!"

The car immediately stopped. Tim looked at him doubtfully and followed his line of sight. "Who is it? Do you know her? She is so beautiful."

Franco did not answer him. He directly opened the door and got out of the car. He casually closed the door and his gaze fell on Angela.