Chapter 103 Not Only Words

However, she calmly picked up the fork. "It doesn't matter. It's not dirty. ​Society advocates frugality. Besides, he brought it to me." With that, she ate the cake as if nothing had happened.

Edward handed her a glass of warm milk. The feeling in his heart was really indescribable.

After Angela went upstairs, Elena came out of the children's room and told her that the children had slept.

At this moment, Caballero's received a message from Edward.

"Mr. Hamilton, Mrs. Hamilton ate the cake you threw in the trash can."

This message made Caballero feel so sad.

After a while, he put down his phone and closed his eyes but still couldn't get rid of the sadness.

However, he just didn't want to talk to her.

Thinking of the night she let Franco stay, Caballero couldn't control his anger!