Chapter 108 Words That Should Not Be Heard

In Jade Bay.

Angela had not eaten dinner yet, and she was not hungry at all. She was sitting dumbly in front of the bedroom French window, waiting for him to come back.

However, the courtyard remained quiet, and it seemed that he was not planning to return.

Holding the phone, she hesitated again.

Should I call him or not?

If I do, will he answer?

If he answers it, will he scold me?

Thinking of his cold appearance, Angela once again retreated.

At night, in the president's office of the Hamilton Group.

Caballero was also holding his phone in his hand, glancing at the screen from time to time. He was expecting something.

It was clearly her doing something wrong that made him angry and humiliated the Hamilton family, but she actually did not call to apologize.

If her husband did not go back, did she not care at all?