Chapter 150 A Sense of Crisis

Reina had been recovering and she was getting on better and better with her son.

Reina had done bathing. She was sitting in front of her dressing table in her silky nightgown, gazing at her in the mirror.

She was wearing neither gloves nor a mask.

She could see her damaged face and scarred neck. Yet she still found herself tranquil deep down.

The skin on her right hand was obviously getting better, compared to the other parts. She felt amazed.

At that moment, Reina saw hope ahead.

"Dr. Mina is amazing." Tia stood behind her and combed her hair. She could not help but praise, "She has only been here for a few days. The effect is obvious. If this goes on, she will definitely help you recover."

"Indeed." Reina acknowledged Mina from the bottom of her heart. She smiled.

In Mina's bedroom.

For security's sake, Caballero said to the children, "Einar, Lida, go back to your room tonight. You can't stay here for too long."