Chapter 29

"A rogue," my mum began as I looked away from Logan and towards my mum, "is a werewolf that doesn't belong in a pack. Rogues are normally humans trapped within the body of their wolf, they give into the desires of their wolf. Rogues are normally violent and out of control but there are few rogues who are not which is most likely because they are searching for their mate or because they are strong enough to resist the urges of their wolf."

A 'rogue' didn't sound like a nice werewolf, if it was possible for a werewolf to be nice. I didn't know if that meant that Logan was a nice werewolf because he belonged to a pack. A 'mate' was mentioned once again and I knew that I had to know what a 'mate' was before I could understand anything else. I knew that from what little I had been told that a 'mate' was someone important to each and every werewolf. It was obvious in the way that Logan had said 'mate' longingly whenever he spoke about it that Logan did have a mate.