Chapter 34

I could try and deny the attraction between us all I liked but I knew that no matter how much I denied it, it would always be there. I felt it every time we touched. It was as if there was an unseen force pulling my body towards Logan's. Every cell within my body seemed to be calling out to Logan for his touch, the electricity that seemed to hum between ourselves made the air around us teem with static. I knew deep down that Logan was my mate but it would be a long time before I could accept that fact or act upon it.

I still struggled to understand that the man in front of me had moments ago claimed that we were mates. That he was made for me and I was made for him, that we were bound together by fate for the rest of our lives. It was a lot to process and it would take me time to comprehend what being mates really meant and what I would have to do. As I lay in the hospital bed I found that it would be a long time before I could even accept Logan as just a friend.