Chapter 40

I nodded my head in agreement as I walked in between them both. Their bodies seemed to radiate and unnatural amount of heat and I made a note to ask Logan or my mum about it later. The wind seemed to turn as it blew around us causing my hair to blow across my face. I tucked the locks of hair behind my ear to see that both Jason and Oliver had stopped walking and their bodies had become tense; their heads were tilted upwards as they sniffed the air.

It happened so fast that I missed it with my human eyes. I had been standing shoulder to shoulder between Jason and Oliver moments ago and I now found myself sandwiched between them. Jason had his back to my own while I faced Oliver's, t-shirt covered back; I could see his muscles tense and contract. They began to slowly move around me in a circle, both of them touching some part of my body as their heads rapidly moved from side to side scanning the trees around us.

"What's going on?" I croaked managing to find my voice.