Chapter 45

"Esme," my name was being called from what seemed to be miles away.

I could feel pressure on my shoulders, dangerously close to my wounds as I screamed out loud in fear. My eyes opened on their own accord as I sat upright in the hospital bed. Logan was hovering over me; his eyes were filled with concern and his lips were parted as if preparing to call out to me once again.

I was gasping for air as my hands balled into shaking fists. I could feel my heart pounding as I allowed Logan to hold up all of my weight. I was relieved to see that he was there and it looked as if he was perfectly healthy.

I could vaguely remember the rogues being tackled and then a black wolf had stood over me. I hadn't noticed at the time as my mind had been consumed with nothing but a cloud of fear that had affected my judgement. As I remembered the wolf I realised that it had been Logan who had fought off the rogues and stood over me, he had protected me.