Chapter 53

The only way I knew how to deal with the situation seemed to be to turn all of my emotions off. I felt numb on both the inside and out and although I was terrified and scared it didn't consume me like it normal would have and turn me into a crying mess. I didn't allow anything that I was feeling to show on my face or reflect in my eyes as I stared at Logan's empty office chair.

I could feel Logan's bare skin against my own as his large hand rubbed up and down the top of my arms in an attempt to comfort me but I didn't feel the usual tingles that would erupt at the lightest touch between us. The butterflies that I normal felt flutter up a storm within my stomach didn't appear and my heart beat normally.

"Sam, get Esme's mum!" Logan ordered Samuel who stood in the doorway not knowing what to do. Logan's tone had changed; it seemed to hold so much power, so much authority that I found myself wanting to follow his order despite my emotionless state.