Chapter 56

My mum's own breakdown had hit me hard. I had never seen my mum in that way before as she was always so strong and positive, even at the worst of times. I never wanted to see my mum so broken, so frightened and vulnerable ever again. Her face when she had been told about the letter would forever stay with me. I would do everything within me to protect my mum and to prevent that look from ever appearing on her face again.

I wondered how my mum was coping as I hadn't seen her since last night. Logan and Samuel had said that my mum needed space and as much as I wanted to be with her so that I could offer her comfort in some sort of way I knew that she needed to be alone. The look on my mum's face had told me that it was something that she could only deal with if she was by herself. As much as it pained me I had to respect what she wanted and give my mum her space to come to terms with everything.