Chapter 79

The empty chair on my other side was pulled out and I turned to see that Logan was already seated and smiling at everyone around the table. I scanned those that surrounded us and saw that it was mainly made up of Logan's family and who I guessed was Sam's family as well judging from the similarity of their features and the fact that Sam was sat in between them. I eyed another family who I had not meet yet, a boy sat proudly around the age of Logan and Sam I guessed that he had an important place within the pack, his parents sat to one side and a girl at his other. I could see that there were mates from the way that they kept stealing glances at each other.

"It's good to see you again Esme," Alpha Paul said from the head of the table and Gemma nodded her head in agreement from his side with a soft smile, "meet John and Lisa, Sam's parents."

I turned to Sam and his parents with a small, shy smile on my face as I waved gently at them. "It's nice to meet your both."