Chapter 88

My wolf was angry at what my dad had done to us and my mum for the past few years. She wanted revenge just as much as I did and to prove to my dad that we weren't the weak and broken girl that he had made us into. I wasn't going to fear him no matter how much he scared me. I was stronger now and with Logan and the pack by my side I knew that I was strong enough to stand up to my dad, I had to be.

I placed the water bottle on the floor beside the bench and stood with a new found confidence and drive to do well, "let's go."

Logan sighed from my side but said nothing as he walked with me to the centre of the mat before turning to face me standing a foot or three away from me. I shook my head from side to side and rolled my shoulders before squaring them and placing my feet shoulder width apart. I nodded my head at Logan signalling to him that I was ready to begin.