Chapter 58 Wilma Comes

"How dare you privately carve our company's official seal!

"I order you to make it clear immediately. Otherwise, you will be imprisoned."

Rodney glared at Rosa.

"I didn't. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask Mr. Alford." Rosa's face was full of anxiety.

"Humph. Who do you think you are? How dare you disturb Mr. Alford with such a small matter?" Rodney coldly reprimanded.

Rosa looked anxious, ready to say something.

"Enough! Shut up! Get the hell out of Clarke Logistics right now!" Bernard's expression was extremely ugly as he roared at Rosa.

"Did you hear that, slut? My grandpa told you to get the hell out right now!"

Arabella thought, humph! What a swindler! You even want to compete with me. How shameless!

Arabella looked down at Rosa with disdain on her face.

"What are you still standing there for? Get out." Gabriel also yelled.

More than that, they began to humiliate Rosa.