Chapter 55

In the car, Joy Quinn held the phone in her hand all the time, feeling very entangled in her heart, because her father had already told her everything on the phone.

Grandpa is sick, and uncle agrees to let them return to the family, but only if she pleads with Mr. Simon and invites Doc. Gray to treat grandpa.

Why didn't Joy Quinn wish to ask Doc. Gray to treat his grandfather, but he still felt that it was too sudden for Mr. Simon to recognize her as his step-sister, and it was uncertain whether the other party was serious or casual.

Even if you leave your phone number, wouldn't it be very embarrassing if the other party didn't remember who she was when you called her.

Just when Joy Quinn was hesitating, the phone in her hand rang suddenly, and when she picked it up, it turned out that it was Rohan Simon calling.

What a coincidence!