Chapter 62

Keith Lynn asked Doc. Gray to get out of the way first, and then sat beside Mr. Joe, and also felt the pulse of Mr. Joe.

Keith Lynn's pulse diagnosis is different from Doc. Gray's pulse diagnosis. He pushes a ray of qi into Mr. Joe's body from his fingertips, and by relying on this ray of zhenqi to swim in Mr. Joe's body, he can detect Mr. Joe's blood vessels and meridians And the internal organs.

Everyone looked at Keith Lynn expectantly, not daring to make the slightest sound, for fear of disturbing his diagnosis and treatment of the old man.

After a while, Keith Lynn stretched out his palm to Doc. Gray. Without thinking about it, Doc. Gray immediately asked his assistant to bring his silver needle and put it in Keith Lynn's palm.

Keith Lynn immediately pierced the silver needles into the acupuncture points all over Mr. Joe's body, and everyone in the Quinn family held their breath.