Chapter 40 Still Hurt

Briella Conley had been watching, she put her index finger in her mouth and whistled a few times, the whistle was a bit strange, but Collie seemed to understand, and rushed towards the big iron gate.

Briella Conley took a few steps back and made a few moves with her hands and feet. Collie threw herself on the big iron gate as if she wanted to go out to find Briella Conley one-on-one.

Alexander Blake picked up the handbag on the ground, jumped up and climbed up the fence, jumped to the ground quickly, and handed the handbag to Briella Conley, "Check to see if there is anything missing."

Briella Conley quickly opened the zipper on the handbag, the silver pin was still there, the phone was there, everything was there, "nothing is missing."

Alexander Blake straightened the clothes that Collie had bitten open, "Go to the hospital for an examination, let's go."

Briella Conley stared at his right arm where Collie had bitten, "How are you?"