Chapter 31 Briella Is Pregnant

Amari knew that Briella would be very surprised. She was not married yet, and she just broke off the engagement with Alexander a month ago. A pregnancy without marriage was more or less a burden to a girl. Amari said, "You are pregnant. It's still the very beginning, so there is no reaction yet."

Briella recalled that her period seemed to have been late for more than a week that month. She had been busy treating Axton recently and had actually overlooked her period. Suddenly, she stared at Amari with a nervous expression. "Who else knows?"

Amari said gently, "Don't worry. Only I know. Do you want your boyfriend to come to pick you up?"

Briella shook her head, and a bit of sadness appeared in her eyes. She didn't even know who that man was and she had no idea where to find him. She had found it so coincidental that she was pregnant after having sex only once. Briella was at a loss for what to do for a moment. She said, "I don't have a boyfriend."