Chapter 33 Alexander, Just You Wait!

Eden kicked hard at the wall. He never expected that Briella could recover the surveillance video that had already been deleted!

"Follow them and keep an eye on what they will do next."


Nathan could use the opportunity to make some money. It was Eden who asked him to delete the surveillance video. Of course, he lied to Elaina's father, Devon Finley, and told him that it was Eliam who asked him to do so. When Elaina questioned him, he changed his story again.

Elaina pulled Briella angrily up to the top floor. The door of the Presidential suite was closed and no one answered the doorbell.

Mira Pugh, who was in charge of cleaning this floor, said that Mr. Blake had not been here for the past few days, and it was very possible he wouldn't be here today.

"What should we do? If he is not here, he must be at Blake's house. Let's go to Blake's house and find him!"

Elaina pulled Briella downstairs again.