Chapter 41 Do You Deserve to Be Called That?

The next day, when the entire crew arrived on set, they were surprised to find that the director Jameson had not yet arrived, and even Lloyd, the lead actor, was bleary-eyed.

Bonnie was reading the script on the side, and they were already an hour behind schedule.

She put down the script, which was covered in annotations, and glanced at Lloyd beside her, "Did you guys have any other activities last night?"

Upon hearing her voice, Lloyd forced himself to perk up, "Yeah, after you left last night, I chatted with Mr. Joseph and a few investors for a while."

Bonnie nodded, although she didn't believe for a second that they only chatted "for a while" and didn't go somewhere to party.

After a while, Jameson still hadn't shown up, so the assistant director Kareem couldn't help but call him.

Jameson answered the phone, still inebriated and slurring his words, before hanging up.