Chapter 98 Ms. Collins Really Liked You Before

Fletcher tried to keep his tone calm and replied, "You and Ms. Collins seemed like a good match, and..."

"And what?"

"Ms. Collins really liked you before."

Ambrose froze, feeling bitterness slowly rising in his heart.

Yeah, Bonnie really liked him before, but he never treated her well back then.

His face darkened a bit, as he kept recalling how Bonnie used to follow him around with eagerness.

Fletcher sighed, stood up, left the office, and closed the door gently. He knew that at times like this, Ambrose needed to be alone.

To be honest, when he saw Bonnie casually say "don't suit" in the video, he truly felt sorry for Ambrose.

But there's no use crying over spilled milk. Fletcher hoped that Ambrose could recognize his own feelings and win Bonnie back soon.

After walking off the red carpet, Bonnie went to her seat, which was right next to Eric.