Chapter 109 I Will Never Talk To Him Again

Bonnie looked aside subconsciously, and frowned when she realized that the owner of the voice was Ambrose.

Why was he there?

Ambrose’ appearance made the atmosphere a little more awkward. Even Mrs. Cruz, who was sitting in the car, felt that the scene was really unbearable.

Christian still wore a cold face, he didn't like any of those two people who were pestering Bonnie.

Lambert didn't have a good impression of Ambrose in the first place, and what he had just summoned up the courage to say was inexplicably interrupted by him, and the usually good-tempered man turned black.

"Mr. Barron, what do you mean by that?" Bonnie asked defiantly.

Ambrose didn't have a good look at her rival, so he snorted coldly and reminded him in an unhappy tone, "I'm just helping her speak out what's in her heart."

He wouldn't admit that he just interrupted him when he came back from a walk and heard Lambert's words welling up.