Chapter 22 the size is considerable.

"Brother!" Laura Frost didn't expect Nelson Brown to come back. She smiled through her tears and reached out to him.

Nelson Brown was even more disgusted when he saw a little dirty hand in front of him.

But the little dirty hand moved faster this time and grabbed his hand.

"Thank you, brother!" The little girl smiled at him with tears in her eyes.

What a fool. Nelson Brown thought, but pulled Laura Frost to her feet.

The little girl took his hand and held it tightly, her voice soft:

"Brother, I'm Lecture's sister, and he asked me to take you to a place.."

Nelson Brown's pupils contracted momentarily.

Laura Frost explained, "He has something to do and he can come to see you right away."

She has to hold off Nelson Brown first. Anyway, Nelson Brown can't appear in front of Eric Brown.

Otherwise, everything goes wrong!

At the moment, Eric Brown is changing into clothes from Ralap Jones in the dressing room.