Chapter 30 the man who robbed Mommy with Daddy.

After reading the content, Agatha Frost understood the seriousness of the matter.

Obviously, Gem has more information this time.

Her whereabouts are likely to be exposed.

Eric Brown's ancestors were greeted eight hundred times in her heart, and she took Nelson Brown to Larry Frost's kindergarten.

Two kids, you have to switch back. The longer it takes, the easier it is to get through.

But as soon as I got to the kindergarten, I heard the teacher say that Eric Brown was going on a business trip and asked her who she was from the Brown family.

Agatha Frost asked the teacher to contact Ralap Jones, who knew that Nelson Brown needed treatment every day, so he agreed to the child's suggestion to stay at Agatha Frost's house at night.

With all three babies around, Agatha Frost was naturally happy and cooked a sumptuous meal that night.

Lucas Marsh arrived at night.