Chapter 43 a family of four.

Eric Brown was puzzled by Agatha Frost's sudden offer to move here.

After all, she had not revealed any intention of moving here before.

But in any case, the person had arrived anyway, and he did not believe that he could not test her purpose.

The cook had finished cooking and everyone came to the dining room together.

Agatha Frost looked at the five dishes and one soup and could not help scratching her lips.

The life of eating and drinking and not having to do it yourself seems not bad?

She led Laura Frost to sit down, and Eric Brown and Nelson Brown sat across from them.

Nelson Brown saw that Laura Frost's favorite octopus balls were a little far away, so he helped her pick up a few.

Eric Brown raised his eyebrows slightly. When did this boy become a warm man?

In the past, when father and son ate together, they hardly spoke at the table.