Chapter 57 the way men deal with women.

After a moment of consternation, Eric Brown was pleasantly surprised.

But the surprise lasted only a second before it was replaced by anger.

So, this woman did it on purpose?

Knowing that he was angry and misunderstood, he didn't say anything all the way until now?

He narrowed his eyes, clasped his palms around Agatha Frost's waist, and his eyes thundered: "Agatha Frost, you are very untidy."

Agatha Frost is not afraid at all: "I don't know, Mr. What is the way to clean up Brown?

"What do you think of men taking care of women?" Eric Brown's eyes showed signs of danger.

But I remember, Mr. Brown doesn't seem to..

Before the word "lift" could be uttered, the back of Agatha Frost's head was pressed by Eric Brown, who sealed her lips directly.

All of a sudden, the man invaded, with the breath of the wind and clouds, in her square inch of land set off a storm!