Chapter 2 Return to the Young Family

He didn't even have time to react, the muscles all over his body were already stiff and he couldn't move, and he couldn't even speak.

Queena Young decisively pulled out the silver needle stuck into the side of his neck, and kicked him angrily. Then she quickly took off the underwear on the man's body, leaving only a pair of underwear for him, which she felt disgusted and didn't touch.

Her clothes were torn, and she could only wear the man's shirt.

And his trousers and shoes Queena Young were stuffed into the medicine basket and taken away.

Before leaving, she also took away the man's gun and the expensive jade pendant.

It's equivalent to her consultation fee!

Saved a white-eyed wolf who belittled herself, and counted her blind!

But she can't kill the killer, so let this bastard fend for himself here!

After leaving the cave, Queena Young rushed home in the rain, but saw two limousines at the door. She glanced at the license plate number and couldn't help but sneer in her heart. She opened the door and went in. Sure enough, she saw her stepmother Yunna Lucas and her youngest daughter Julia Young, whom she hadn't seen for eleven years.

As soon as Yunna Lucas saw her, her eyebrows were raised, and the disgust was palpable.

"Finally you're back, damn girl, which wild man's clothes are you wearing?!" She put her hands on her hips and urged the order impatiently, "Hurry up and pack up, and come back to the Young Family with me! Good luck for the trash, Mr. Steven wants to marry you, and you, a pheasant, will one day fly on a branch and become a phoenix!"

The Hawk Family is the number one wealthy family in Blasko City. How could Yunna Lucas not let her two daughters go with this opportunity to marry into a wealthy family and become a phoenix?

Queena Young's mind is clear, there must be another conspiracy involved.

Julia Young said with a mocking smile: "Mom, you forgot that she is deaf and dumb, and she can't hear anything we say! Don't waste time, let the driver put you in the car and take her away! "

A biting coldness flashed across Queena Young's eyes.

She was deaf and dumb back then, but it was not thanks to their mother and daughter!

If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet the master of the hermit mountain forest and restore her hearing and vocal cords, she would have been ruined by their hands for the rest of her life.

Now they actually think that she is still the same self who was slaughtered by others, no matter what, she will continue to pretend to be dumb and deaf, to see what tricks they play.

"You...don't bully people too much! You will be punished!" The grandmother who had been taking care of Queena Young was shaking with anger.

Queena Young stepped forward and shook her hand, shaking her head slightly, signaling her not to get angry.

She waited for eleven years, and if the Young Family didn't come to her, she would go back to settle accounts with them!

And her mother Rosaria John, who has been missing for eleven years, does not know where the Young Family is hiding...

Now, the opportunity came to her door, and Queena Young naturally wanted to seize it.

She walked into the back room, changed into clean clothes, and simply packed her luggage.

Before leaving, Queena Young kowtowed three times to her grandma, and followed Yunna Lucas and the others in the car to Blasko City overnight...

On the other side, a group of well-trained mercenaries have found the cave.

"Mr. Steven..."

"Get out!" The man in the cave shouted angrily.

After swallowing the second pill, Steven Hawk's vision has slowly returned.

Now he is almost naked.

"Steven, get dressed first." It was the first time Sophos Lewis saw Steven in such a mess, forced a smile, and handed him the clean clothes, "Did you run into a womanizer?"

Steven Hawk put on his clothes and glanced at him coldly, "Do you want to dig coal in Africa again?"

The big devil who exploded his hair can't be messed with.

Sophos Lewis coughed lightly, and said seriously: "The Young Family has agreed to the old lady's marriage proposal. The bride who will marry you is expected to be delivered soon. We have to go back early."


People in the Young Family are really willing to do anything for money!

Steven Hawk frowned slightly, showing disgust, "I told her to go back crying!"

Speaking of this, Steven Hawk changed the subject and said coldly: "The woman who saved me should be from a nearby village, find her for me!"

That daring little woman, better hope he doesn't find her, or she's dead!