Chapter 2


I winced as my name echoed throughout the hall. Alex bounded towards me much like my mother had earlier. Her red curls were all tied up in a bun and her green eyes sparked with excitement. "Hey Alex." I'm pretty sure everyone in Hegira High just heard her. Well, Alexandra Petiole was known her vocal talents. She was a proud leading voice for every choir event. One of her cousin is the next Theta, third in command.

"Happy birthday!" she screamed crashing into me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she half-strangled me with her hug.

"Can't... Breathe!" I gasped trying to find an escape from the bear hug.

"Oops," she laughed stepping back. "You're sixteen! This is great, you should seem more excited? I mean you can find your mate now! I know that you don't want to find him yet, but still it's very exciting. You're growing up!"

One of has too. "It's just another birthday, Alex. And you don't need to get that face. I just don't have time for a mate right now.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know all about your plan." We started walking towards my locker. "You know life is no fun when you have every minute of it scheduled out. There's no surprise."

I raised an eyebrow. "I have all the surprise I need with you in my life. Not to mention drama."

"Hey!" Her hand flew to her chest. "I'm offended. That is so not true."

"Paul," I coughed. Her eyes narrowed at the mention of her ex-boyfriend. "Let's not forget the party tonight. You know the one I didn't want. The same one I am absolutely sure you and my mother devised as a ruse to force me into a dress because you're so sure I'll find my mate today."

She harrumphed. "I'm sure I have no idea what on earth you're talking about."

I smiled and shook my head. "So any bets on who it is?"

"A few," she answered. "Not that you'll hear any of them."

"Of course not." We'd reached my locker and I started putting in the combo.

That elicited a smile from her. "Well I can't wait to find out who my mate is."

I nodded and pulled out my physics book. "When you do I am sure that she and I will be great friends."

It took her a couple seconds to realize what I'd said. "I am not gay!" she yelled and everyone in the hall paused to stare at her. What a little freak.

"Hey, I don't judge. Still, sometimes the way you look at me makes me think there's a little secret with you in the closet."

She smacked my arm. "I am not gay, and if I were I could do way better than you."

My mouth dropped open in shock. She didn't! This of course launched an argument about whom was too good for whom. As if it weren't obvious! Then suddenly I was assaulted by too much man perfume.

"Hey Deanne," Hayden said putting his arm around my shoulder. "I hear you're sixteen as of today. You know that's the legal age of consent."

I elbow him in the gut and moved away from him. "So not interested. I will never be interested. I have these things called standards." I eyed him disgusted by the prospect of him touching me. "And only someone without any would sleep with you."

"You can suck my dick, Deanne," Hayden sneered not taking the rejection very well.

I huffed. "You would have to grow one first, Hayden." With that Alex and I turned our backs to him and started towards first period. When he was out of range Alex shuddered.

"I don't think there's a living thing that Hayden has tried to sleep with," she said.

I agreed. "Can you imagine the STIs that he probably has? His gentiles are probably green!"

"That is not a mental image I want to have, Deanne," Alex sputtered.

"Then why did you picture it?" I asked smartly.

She narrowed her eyes at me and I smirked back. "You think you're so cute don't you?"

"Nope. I know I am. There is a major difference between the two." A strange smell reached my nose just as I was saying the last part. It was familiar almost but I couldn't figure out why. I almost turned to go hunt down the scent it was so alluring.

My mind dredged up the one word that could stop me. Mate. I recoiled mentally and shook my head. The scent was gone now anyways and Alex was staring at me expectedly. "Sorry, what?"

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked concerned. "You just sort of zoned out. What happened?"

"Nothing," I lied knowing if I told her the truth she'd want me to go hunt down the owner of the strange scent. "Come on we better hurry up before we're late."