Chapter 4

"Yes," Alpha Holden says. "It has come to my attention that you have found your mate in my son." I wanted to throw up. This is bad, very bad. His voice was accusing. Did Ethan lie and say that I rejected him? Rejecting your mate it not only a taboo but cause to banish a wolf from the pack.

I straighten from my slight bow. "Yes. I suppose your son told you." Alpha Holden nodded. "And he told you he rejected me." I would not let Ethan lie his way out of this and pin it on me.

No one said anything. Then our Alpha spoke, "Yes he did." My eyes widen in surprise. "And you are to be stripped of any rank in the pack. You will no longer be able to be the next Beta, or hold any rank."

"What?" I didn't understand. I had done nothing wrong.

Tyler shook beside me and anger flashed onto my parents faces. "The only reason I am not banishing you from the pack is because you are the daughter of my Beta. But if you make a wrong move or give me any reason to think you conspire against the pack I will not hesitate banish you."

"Conspire against the pack?" I questioned. I was too angry to care that I was questioning my Alpha. "Why the hell would I of all people conspire against the pack? I have spent my life training to best serve the pack!"

"The future Alpha has rejected you as an unworthy mate," he replied. Unworthy. I clenched my fists at my sides. "Given the chance you would react and try to exact revenge. You cannot be trusted."

It stung. I had devoted my life to the pack. I had studied constantly and worked tirelessly for the good of the pack. And now the Alpha that I had followed faithfully was saying that I couldn't be trusted. I didn't do anything to deserve this mistrust. I couldn't be trust because of someone else's actions. Tears stung at my eyes. I had to get out of here, I couldn't breathe. I spun on my heel ad started for the door but someone grabbed my arm.

I turned around. Ethan. I felt white-hot rage. "Deanne, I'm sorry-"

The sound of my hand hitting his cheek echoed throughout the room before I had even consciously considered slapping him.

"How dare you?" I questioned as fury took residence above my betrayal and hurt. "You're sorry? I don't want your fucking apology. You are nothing more than a spoiled brat who gets away with whatever you want because of who your father is! And your daddy just gets you out of everything. Normally I don't care about that because of my loyalty to the pack. But it seems that this pack doesn't have any loyalty. Because of you! We follow the Alpha and in exchange the Alpha protects us.

"With you as Alpha that isn't true. You rejected me but I'm the one that is punished. Tell me future Alpha Ethan, how have I been protected by my Alpha?" I turned to Alpha Holden as the first couple of tears spilled down my cheeks. "How have you protected me? You don't care about us! You won't protect us! Not if you're too busy throwing us under the bus so you can cover up for your failure-as-a-leader son!"

One of the pack members stepped forward. "Maybe you should leave."

I saw their faces. They didn't trust me. They didn't see this as the Alpha failing his job. They saw this as me snapping after being rejected as some wolves do.

I turned and ran from the pack house and climb into my truck. I sobbed as I speed away from the pack house. I saw the looks on my pack members faces in my mind as I stopped in front of my house. They betrayed me. They all betrayed me.

I knew I couldn't stay here. I could never follow Alpha Holden again. Not after he's done this. And I would never be able to follow Ethan. I had to leave. I couldn't face any of these people again. Not after they betrayed me like this.

I found myself in my bedroom with a large suitcase opened on my bed. I packed clothes and all of my money. I looked around my room for anything I couldn't leave behind. I saw the photo on my dresses. It was a picture Tyler, Alex, and my parents. I had taken the picture of them when Alex had stayed over and we were all watching some stupid comedy. I placed it on top of everything in the suitcase and zipped it close.

I dragged it out to the truck and put it in the back. I couldn't bring myself to face my family. I don't think I could bare to say goodbye, or worse see the same look of mistrust on their faces. To see the look, the look that meant they thought I had snapped. I couldn't do it."

"What are you doing?"

I turned around. "Alex. Tyler." There was a hand squeezing my heart. "I can't stay here. Not when everyone..." I couldn't force the words out.

"Stay," Tyler said. "Dee we can change Alpha Holden's mind. We'll convince him-"

I shook my head. "It won't matter Tyler. You saw them, the looks on their faces. They don't trust me. And even if you could change the Alpha's mind it won't help. I could never follow him again. Not after this. And I will never be loyal to Ethan. I have to leave. There has to be something else out there. A place where I can start over."

"Please," Alex begged with fat tears rolling down her face. "Dee please don't do this. Don't leave us! We can find a way but only if you stay!"

"I can't," I sobbed. "I can't Alex. I'm sorry." My heart broke in that moment when I saw my best friend and brother both looking at me with tears. "I don't know what I'll find or if it will be better but I know if I do stay here one day I really will snap. I can't think about the good of this pack, not anymore. And I can't be here when Ethan becomes Alpha. I can't let him ruin my life. Please," I cried softly. "Try to understand. I have to do this."

"We need you here," Tyler objected. "I'm not you, Dee. I'm not a Beta."

"Neither am I," I told him. "Not anymore."

"I need my older sister. I need you, Dee. Here, not somewhere else," he said.

"I'm sorry," I choked pulling him into my arms. "God, I'm so sorry Ty. You'll be a great Beta. I know it. I love you so much. Okay?"

"No!" He pulled away. "You can't just leave! What about Mom? And Dad? You can't just leave your life here!"

I opened my mouth but Alex threw her arms around me. "I love you, Dee," she sobbed. "So do what you need to do. Just take care of yourself."

I hugged her back as tears flooded down my cheeks. "I love you too. Both of you. Tell my parents that I love them. Tell them I said goodbye."

"And Ethan?" she asked. "What about him?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "You can tell him to go to hell."

I hugged my brother one last time before getting in the truck and driving away. It was impossible to breathe as I watched them sob in my rearview mirror. They faded away and I took the quickest way to the edge of the territory. "You can do this," I whispered to myself when I finally reached it. You can survive your rejection." And I crossed it.