Chapter 8

Jason often teased me that it was magic that could also heal the dying. I regarded that notion in the same way I regarded the moon goddess. It simply did not exists. Whatever mystery force the pendant had, gods and magic had no part in it.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I pulled out a frying pan along with eggs and a package of bacon. I heard the rustle of the few other occupants as they woke halfway through cooking the bacon. I smiled to myself. The aroma of food never failed to get them out of bed.

"Morning," Justin said as he sat down at the kitchen bar. Justin was the black man who'd been part of the group that found me when I first came here. I'd been wrong in thinking he was fighter. He was actually the next Theta. The position was passed down to him a couple years after my arrival.

I set a plate of food down in front of him. "Who else is up?"