Chapter 13

"Are you ready?"

I looked over at Tristan. "Yeah. This is the last suitcase."

"Isn't that like the third one?" Tristan grunted and he heaved the suitcase off my bed. "Good God woman! What's in this? Bricks?"

I blinked. "Weapons." Tristan set the bag down at the door. "Just weapons? How many are you bringing?"

"Just two suitcases," I answered. "Since I don't actually know where it is that we're going I would like to be prepared."

"Prepared for what? The zombie apocalypse?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. Hey do you think if one of us got bitten by a zombie and turned would the zombie person also be able to shift into a wolf?"

Tristan pondered that for a moment. "No, I think the zombie would remain in the same form."

"What if it was a virus that only affected humans and we got bite in wolf form. Would we then turn because we are half human?"

That stumped him. "Maybe. I don't know."