Chapter 18

Tree nodded. "First we need to assess the basic skills of current warriors and then trainees."

"Let's get settled in today and handle the assessments tomorrow," I said before we left.

No one talked for the duration of the car ride. I was nervous. Would my parents be as mad as Tyler? Or worse. I'd never seen their reaction to what Holden had done. What if... No, don't go there Dena.

The house Alex was talking about was small. One floor and no other houses around it. No mailbox. "Maybe I should have called ahead," I said white-knuckling the steering wheel.

"They don't have a phone," Alex said.

"Oh." We got out and went up to the door. Do I knock? Ring the bell? Just enter and call out? I went with knocking. It was 63 second before the door opened. I took a deep breath. "Hello Mother."