Chapter 37

I shook my head again feeling none of his humor. "Just the opposite." I left without explaining my answer. I knew he was only joking but I wasn't. I took my job seriously. When it comes to training people you could be deciding their fate. Most of the times the most a Lupᾰtor, a fighter class wolf, will face is dealing with a few stray Rogue but every once and a while they find themselves in a life or death situation. It's those situations that I used to train people for, situations where what I've taught them could save them.

"You won't tell mean what you mean by that, will you?" Ethan asked after me.

"No," I replied honestly. "In case you haven't notice I'm not the most forthcoming person."

He laughed. "Let's be honest Deanne, you have never been forthcoming."

I glanced over my shoulder at him. "I was, just not with you."