Chapter 41

"I had help," I said. "Tristan, the blonde who came with us, he helped me with the rejection. He helped me with a lot of stuff."

"You sound like you love him," Tyler said in surprise.

I shook my head, "It's not love, as least not in the sense your thinking but... well whenever I need advice or someone to talk to, Tristan is the one I go to. He's a good person. They all are at Fire Light. Not many people would have done what Jason did."

"You mean taking you in?"

I nodded. "You know what it's like when one Alpha gets caught hiding another Alpha's mate. It's asking for war. Anyone else would have sent me packing, or forced me to go back to Ethan." I heard Trina mumble in her sleep bringing me back into focus. "Sorry Tyler but you have to go."

He sighed, slumping his shoulders forward. "Yeah. Just...let me know when I can see her."