Chapter 51

As if his words were a cue wolves leaped out from the trees. Four, no five of them all in wolf form. The smallest, female, she reached me first. I turned her momentum against her and threw her past me into a tree. She hit it hard, the poor tree almost broke with the blow. I didn't have more than a second before the next one came. I barely ducked his searching claws. I knew what I had to do if I were to get out of here.

I shifted my nails in a split second and there were the deadly sharp claws of a wolf. I sliced opened the wolf's underside as he flew over me. Blood spurted out and rained down on me. I quickly wiped my eyes clean of it just as another wolf attacked and clipped my shoulder. I winced and forced my teeth to elongate into fangs. It was hard and trying. Partial shifting is one of the hardest skills to master, it's nearly impossible to hold off shifting the rest of the way. It was fighting off your basis instincts.