Chapter 64

I softened. Whatever we are now, friends, enemies, we once used to be sisters. "Because they are more than a pack to me. They're family. Just like what we used to be."

"Until you abandoned your family," she said coldly. "I've missed you for over seven years, but I can't say I blame Tyler for being angry at you."

I sighed. "The person I was would have agreed with you."

"And now?" she questioned curiously.

"Life is too short to let angry keep you from the people you care about," I answered. "Jason, my Alpha, forced me to come back here. The person I was when I left would have hated him but that's not me anymore. I know now just how precious life is and I don't want to spend mine being angry at the people I care about."

"Don't expect everyone to take that philosophy," she commented still a little sour.