Chapter 67

I sat up and looked around. There was only the male doctor who'd checked up on me during my last stint here. I failed to remember his name but instead opted to call him Doc. He didn't really like me so I didn't feel any remorse for my lack of memory. "You're awake," he said curtly in a thick Ethiopian accent. According to Tyler, when I asked what country kicked him out for his attitude, the man had left his home country to follow his mate who'd travelled there to study Lucy, a 3.5 million year old skeleton.

"I'm aware," I said a little more grouchily than necessary. "Why am I here?"

"Because you seem intent on undoing my hard work," he grumbled none too quietly. "You opened several nearly healed finely stitched up cuts and created several more." He stared at me impatiently waiting for something. "Well?"

"Well what?" I really dislike this man.

He tapped his elbow irascibly. "Are you going to apologize?"