Chapter 70

The Silver Moon Alpha glared at the door. The visiting pack had been rude, disrespectful, and a pain in the ass since they arrived. He'd put up with it because he thought they brought with them his lost Deanne. Knowing that they hadn't had caused his patience with them to run very thin.

Suddenly tired Ethan sat back down and opened up a file on his computer labeled "Deanne Iris". Over seven years of failed search popped up along with pictures of Deanne right before she left.

He'd never told a soul but he'd had a crush on the Beta's daughter since he realized girls didn't have cooties. Being a stupid kid he did what all other stupid boys did, he ignored or picked on her. When he got older her befriended her brother in order to see her.

She of course hadn't out right avoided him but she definitely hadn't gone out of her way to hang out with him when they were kids.