Chapter 73

My eyebrows shot up. "I've only had pigtails once. My mother did it for a pack house meeting. I can't believe you remember that."

He smiled. "I tugged one and teased you. After that you used a pair of kitchen shears to try to cut the hair ties. How could I possibly forget that?"

Even I forgot about that. I just remembered my mother never tried pigtails with my hair again. "Yeah, I guess that's pretty memorable," I agreed. Why would he remember that?

"Okay, detouring away from memory lane," Lily cut in. "I need to talk to Dena alone so shoo."

I pitched the bridge of my nose. "Lily, you can't tell an Alpha to shoo."

"Perhaps not," she agreed. "But I can tell your mate to shoo."

I sighed. I pity Jason for having to deal with Lily's twisted logic all the time. "We can talk later Ethan. It seems my Luna requires a confidante."

"Yes she does," Lily agreed speaking in third person. "So shoo."