Chapter 86

"Nothing, they're just very... black." Black everything. Black slacks, black V-neck long sleeved shirt, black boots. "Do I not own anything more... well anything with colors?"

Ethan laughed. "I'm fairly certain you do but those items are probably scarce."

How very gothic of me. Not that they were nice clothes, believe me, despite looking like I was ready to attend a funeral the clothes were quite flattering. All of the black made my eyes pop and seem even stranger. I slipped on the necklace I'd taken off to shower.

There was something about the little wolf's eye that felt like it was watching me. Still I put it back off because the idea of leaving behind just rubbed me wrong. "I'm dressed," I said opening the door again.

Ethan turned around and saw his eyes swiftly scan me. I wasn't sure whether he was checking me out or reassuring himself of my health. Maybe it was both. "Are you hungry?" he asked lending me his arm. "Your Luna brought some food."