Chapter 98

The sketch was of her and Dena when they were 13. Alex remembered sitting down with Dena for it. It was the first year they'd been allowed to go to the annual fall fair alone and they were so excited. She'd saw the guy drawing pictures and dragged her best friend over. They'd gotten one for each of them but one of her cousins had spilled coffee all over hers about a week later. She'd been so upset when it happened!

But she'd never told Dena about it because she didn't want to make it seem like she didn't care. Shifting everything to one hand Alex touched a finger to the glass right above the corner of her friend's smile. Then she noticed the words written in the corner.

I know you were upset that yours got ruined so here's mine. Love Dee!

She'd drawn a little smiley face below the words. Shock filled Alex's system. How had she known?

Alex quickly set everything down on the coffee table and pulled out Dena's letter.

But I have a favor to ask.